You can schedule homework emails for private Foundations courses. Use the steps below to schedule the classes of your students so an automated homework email and OU sign-up will be sent to them. Please add the schedule a minimum of 48 hours before the date of your session to ensure the homework email will be sent 1 hour after each class. If you do not pre-schedule Foundations lesson homework, you will need to send them manually.


  1. Use the Private GMF Scheduler link to schedule your private students' classes. You can also find this in Teacher's Haven (Teacher's Haven -> Students -> Add private GMF lessons).

  2. Add the teacher's name and click “submit”

  1. Search for your student’s name and click “submit”

  1. You may now add the date and time of each lesson. 

  2. Make sure the “Send home practice emails” is ticked Yes.

  1. Once you are done filling out the dates and times (you do not need to fill it all out if you do not have the other dates yet) click “save”

  2. You can update the dates and times at any time.

Note for OU sign-ups:

  • Students will be marked as Alumni after Lesson 4 and receive an email "Introducing our Online University" 2 hours after Lesson 4 offering the free month. If they haven't signed up they receive a reminder 2h before Lesson 6 that this offer is valid for 7 more days.

This works even if you deactivate the "Home practice emails" send out.